

Today, I went to hair cut near my house. I was very surprised happen! Yesterday, my aunt Tomoe came here and dye hair black. She always brown color and long curl, so I was very surprised to heard that! She is going to Okinawa in this August, because she meet to boyfriend's parents to greeting of marriage. She is very tension now. On the other hand, I changed my hair style. I was cut forelock and put on straight coating. This hair looks very nice and feel the Summer!! I like short hair but I try to long hair again. So, I come down to my hair now. Someday, I want to curling!!
  And today, I was very tired. My mood was very very bad and I feel looks like cold. Headache, stomachache and physical weariness. What happens for me? My mother say maybe summer fatigue. In this week is very hot! I can't stand any more. Every year, my house is put the air conditioner to use. This is not good for our health. We can't correspondence the difference disparity in age. And we should water ans solt. I try to takes these. But in cold room is forget to take. You can try hard and me too.haha
   Have a good summer vacation and take care for your health!! (223/2,912)

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