Sightseeing in Kumamoto
Kumamoto is a very beautiful city.
First, I want to introduce Kumamoto Castle (another name is Ginnan Castle) that was made four hundred years ago. The present is Kiyomasa Kato who is very famous that predicted, "when the height of the castle has reached ginkgo trees, fire will occur." He was very cool man, I often hear.
Next, you should go Aso. There is very beautiful natural, clear air and many night stars. In summer is cool place better than Kumamoto town. But in winter is too much cold and will be on one side snow! Down town don't cover snow and fall in flakes.
There has many exiting place, Farmland, Daikanbo, and Shirakawa water source. Farmland have unique dome. The shape is looks like shelter made of snow, but it made sandy. there is very warm and cute.
And my favorite is Jyosaien. This is near Kumamoto Castle. There has famous in Kumamoto food, watch performance, and we can learn Kumamoto history. It was made a few years ago. This is new place for popular amusements.(189/1,776)
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