Good morning! Today, I have my part time job. My working place have many friendly people. I think this is my happy and I can relax place. I want to introduce my favorite people. She always smiling, reliable, and cute! She is my sunshine, she makes me happy! Her favorite free time is playing the game, line game. Many people playing and compete in my part time job place. I don't have ever play any games, so I can't follow them. By the way, She is present work for ten years, and the trust from the circumference is thick because worked. Her work is looks like member of a company. I think her energy come from around the people. She is my admiration person. I confront it without being depressed even if she may be very hot.
In this Thursday, my aunt's birthday! I want to give her something present, but I don't have money and time. So, I send birthday mail and I'll buy her present in Monday. But I don't know what she wants to. She want to many things. For example, frying pan, microwave oven, etc... Her wants it very expensive and I can't buy everything. I always think what am I should buy for birthday. I think my friend's birthday present is very difficult for me. Maybe, everyone think about this and difficult it. The best way is my friend choose or tell me want to something for me. So, I don't need for thinking all the time. haha Any way, I have to buy it in this week.
Do you know this artist group, "Third Japanese Soul Brothers"? They are EXILE's young brother, so looks like young EXILE version. I like their song, especially I like "R.Y.U.S.E.I". This is very famous song and dancing. Do you know "Running men"? This running men dance is popular for people and include looks like the dance. I think their dance is very heard, my friend doing looks like them to shape up her body. But she couldn't continue her diet! It just only three days! I did try with her, but we were amateurs. I think we should training everyday in swimming, walking, and turn on muscular strength! But this experience is good memory for us. We'll sing a song and dancing in Karaoke.
I'm using English corpus now. However I don't how to use and search this website. One more thing, I want to find other corpus site, but I can't find anymore. I need somebody help!! Can I do it everything? I'm afraid in my graduation thesis content. This is our last grade student's destiny. I'm studying about "I'm sorry". I want to change my topic, if I could change other one. I think if I can do it, I can do anything! I'm very sleeping now, I'll back in my class. See you!
Today, I went to studying abroad center in downtown. There are very good place that have many country's documents and a women was kind for me. I want to go to America, Canada, and Australia. My mother don't want to go America for me, because she say America isn't safety place. She want to go Canada to watch Aurora, she loves nature, Aurora, stars, and beautiful place. I want to go to Canada, but I want to go Australia better than Canada. I want to go in Working Holiday. Do you know this system? This is we can work in foreign country and live shire room. We can do anything and It's decided whether you go to the language school or you shall go by yourself. I want to use this system, if I'll go study abroad. I don't know everyone have ever go to abroad? To go to abroad is believe that that is a big step forward for me. So, I have enjoy feeling and uneasiness feeling too.
Hello! In this Sunday, I went to shopping and dinner with my best friend. She living Kurume in Fukuoka after graduate our high school. It has been a while for me to meet with her. She already to work in Kurume and living with her grandparents. We met in the downtown at 7:30 because I was it in my part time until 6:30. I was very hard and hurry! In a lucky, he came to pick me up by car to the part-time job. I changed my clothes and makeup in his car. My best friend didn't change!! We went to Parco and she bought clothes. I bought pair glass in Seria. I think we did good shopping! After that, we went to Ninjya- Yashiki to eat dinner. She is the first time to go, so I made a reservation beforehand. It was very enjoyed and we were talking all time! We had very nice time!
Good morning! I come back home at 3 a.m. yesterday and wake up at 9 o'clock. Oh no! Where is my sleeping time!? In this morning is very sleep but I went to Camera's Kitamura with my boyfriend to buy his new camera. His new camera is so cool! base color is black and looks like old photo camera. The designs of the camera of the old form are popular and are very stylish now. After that, we went to LOCO MOON (Garden Place). This is restaurant looks like Hawaii. This restaurant of the order system is served unlimitedly. I love Fried chicken like KFC and Hamburger. His favorite menu is pasta! This restaurant making raw pasta, so material is bouncy. Everyone like this texture! I want to go again next time!
I watched a movie, "What Maisie Knew". This story is a girl Maisie tell us the true love. 6-year-old Maisie who lives in NY which would go back and forth in the house of divorced parents every 10th. Maisie is important for Lincoln of the bartender who is gentle at heart remarriage partners of mother, and Mago who was a former baby-sitter in remarriage partners of father. They become make friends of Maisie. It is the work which described the world of parents and adult judging from the glance of the child. I was cry and think deeply. I thought that adult was self-centered breath thing. Maybe, I think that I can build the bond that is higher than parent and child if there is even love.
I afraid that electricity bill of my house. Last year, my house didn't put an air conditioner but my mother put it in this month! I was surprised and I don't like summer, but I like summer. My house air conditioner is very old, so an electricity bill costs dearly. Do you put an air conditioner? Many people who fall down and dies by heat stroke, you must not mind an electricity bill anymore. I want it to be summer vacation early!! This is my last summer in this year. I want to enjoy in college life with my friends and graduate in this year! I'm planning with my friends that go to BBQ, play at river, and champing in this summer vacation! I think that I have never played and go to shopping with my friend of the university, and this is become good memory!
Everyone like fireworks. I want to do it in this year!! This is Summer great occasion!! Last year, I watched fireworks in Fukuoka and Yatsushiro. Barrier straits fireworks display in Fukuoka is very beautiful and fireworks lookslike living! Many people wear Yukata and ate takoyaki and yakisoba. I want to see again. The fireworks display here is famous by being washed ashore to music. I look forward to it in this year what kind of fireworks we can look! Elsewhere, fireworks display will be reopened in Lake Ezu from this year. I can watch it in my house! I heard the sound of fireworks when in the house when I was child. I went to my room in a hurry to watch it on the run.
Good afternoon! Today is sunny day! I went to part time job in this morning. It's very long time to work! I was took absence for a month. So, I was very nerves. I afraid that I will do mistake and everything is over. However, I didn't do big mistakes. I just only mistake gift certificate. I worked again after a long absence so I was tired. I didn't think about the work so hard. My shoulder and foot screamed. Recently, I don't have my money. I thought that I really really poor if I don't work my part time job, not being paid is really hard. But I like my part time job, because there people are very kind for everyone. I can relax stay for them. I think this part time job is my true vocation.
Everyday always very hot!! Are you doing something heat stroke measures? In this time, I don't want to go school. I think... everyone think Japan's summer is very hot and have humid by moisture. I don't know other country's summer. If you know other country's summer, I want to know that. Because I want to go there. haha By the way, in this month I start again my part time job. I'm very happy to meet people in part time job, but I can't get rested lately. I know everyone says, it's old. I come to lack physical strength when over 20 years old. After all the blank of one month was big. I want to doing enjoy!
Hello, I read many books and document all day. I have to write and submission in thesis. I don't know write in this class. My theme looks very easy, but it's very difficult. My theme is "Cultural background about the mistake of the expression using Sorry". I decided the theme but I can't understand content. I doing asking and take advice for my teacher, Mr. Hayashi. He is very good teacher and kind for us. I have to submission my report version 2. Therefore I fight with book with document desperately now. I don't know why Japanese people miss "Sorry". I think this miss is Japanese! Japanese culture is deeply. I like American culture better than Japanese culture, because I attracted in their freeness and Japan by a few thing. Okay, I have to go back!
Hi! Today, I have my part time job all day. Recently, I had many shifts from noon to the last, but person from morning decreased, and attendance increased from morning. But I couldn't wake up early. So, I want to start at noon. I think a lot of talkative people to raise a hubbub from the morning people. I like after member, I know their so I can easygoing in my working place. This place is my favorite, so I want to continue for long time!
I'm happy to heard that in this weekend has three holiday and our school have no classes from tuesday to friday. In this week, I stayed and to take it easy at home. My friends don't have classes, but they had part time job or job hunting. The first day was over in no time. Next day, I went to shopping with my aunt to buy her swimming wear and her husband one. I really so happy because I can go to somewhere. I was so tired to stay at home and here is very hot! We went to You-me town, Shimamura, and Sports DEPO. First, we went to find it in You-me town. There have many swimming wear and Yukata. She wants to pants and paker. However there have many design and she didn't decide the best one. Next, we went to Shimamura. Do you know it? It's the place where clothes and sandals are available cheaply. But I don't recommend that shoes and sandals. If I want to them, I'll buy at shoes store or specialty store. After that, we went to DEPO. This is the most expensive everything. There have sporting goods lasting a long time for people beginning it in earnest are sold. Finally, she didn't bought anything because she couldn't choose the best one. haha
Good morning! Today, I watched a movie, "The Book Thief". Do you know this story? I watched it before go to school. The heroin is Marie-Sophie Nélisse and Geoffrey Roy Rush. The stage is Germany before World War II for 1,938 years. A girl Liesel taken out by a foster child to kind stepfather and strictly tender stepmother. Hans of the step father welcomed Lisel and he teach her that reading and writing. She come to be able to read and write, she obtain knowledge and courage, hope through various books. She experience an encounter and the parting with various people through a book. I was cried when I watched this movie. I thought that she didn't have to give up simply because it was the severe times called the war hope. I want to recommend this movie, you will be impressed.
Good morning! It was heavy rain today. In this afternoon, I had second interview test in construction company. I didn't know that this is the final test. I was nervous and I don't know why I was defiant attitude. I felt different from the way which I should go ahead through. I think that it is very important to chase dream and aim. I should do now if I grant a dream, otherwise I lose an opportunity and will be regret. I don't want to regret in my life. However, I don't decide what I would do afterwards. What do you think my dream and afterwards? There maybe the way which I don't know elsewhere. If you were in my place, what would you do?
Today, I went to help for my grandma's restaurant. Today was raining all day, but There were many visitors who came to eat a drinking session and eat, because today was a payday of company. There was after a long absence and became full. In addition I didn't have even time to eat dinner at all busily. Maybe many people like boring time, but I like busy time. My duty is just order and carry dishes, but I think this is very important job. I'm lucky to work with my family and to become acquainted with someone. My grandma always say, "The most important is connection with person and the person." Se said people always living help each other. I thought I should values it in my life.
In this Saturday, I went to down town with my boyfriend. However it was raining all day. I want to get rain boots, especially I want to dark green one. Now, dark green color is the most popular in Japan. It looks very cute and easy to match it with anything. Do you know how long the life of rain boots? It's very short time, just only one or two years. I didn't know that, so I was very surprised! I will get it next year. Any way, I want to get only boots, also I want to get sun glass! Most people have the sun glass, I want to get one because I think this summer will be hotter than last year and sun glass is fashion now. It was the same as everybody, I longed for the figure which I dressed well smartly. I think wearing American sun glass people is cool! I want to be their! Tomorrow, I'll get one!
Good morning! Today is very sunny day! I was clean my boyfriend room in the morning and took pizza in the lunch. After that, we went to down town and find sun glass looks like me. haha We went to many glass shops, Jens, Taihodo of glass, and Murashaki sports. First, I chose which frame and color I looked good in Jens. Next I decide my budget. I want to get sun glass for around 2,000 yen, but There isn't UV cut power and ultraviolet rays penetration rate if I do so it. Finally, I bought slightly good one after I was really really troubled. But this my sun glass is my favorite now!!