November 14
Today, I went to Driving school in this morning. I was very exiting and a few scary. Because I ride in the car for one month! I couldn't passed the first effect measurement. My instructor said, "You don't ride car, you pass first effect measurement." Then, I had classes and my part time job. And this season is bad! This winter and winter vacation season is too people to come. So, I can't take reservation. Next time, I want to better than today! (83/430)
My summer vacation
In my summer vacation, I went to Kagoshima. It was a+ very beautiful city, first we went to Hirakawa zoo. There are the famous animals, Koala and White tiger. They were very cute and looked very big! And next, we went to the most famous Tenmonkan street in Kagoshima. There are many unique stores! I want to go there again.
November 9
I went to Yatsushiro Fire works. I was very cold and can see very beautiful fire works. Before I was made my grass in down town. My eyes are very bad, So I went to grass store in Zoff. There has many coloring grasses. I want to bright color and smart sides and shape. When I made it, I could'n work and Looks like a doctor!haha But I learn many things. Fire works is very unique! Many copulation are fight each other. It was very good! And there were many people in there, so I couldn't bought many foods and drinks. I want to go next! (108/287)
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